I have uploaded the second try at the release package documentation to
gordianknotbook.com/download/draft_compensation_pamphlet .
This version splits the old pamphlet into two pamphlets:
1) Instructions for what to do in a release and an explanation of the release compensation package.
2) A separate pamphlet explaining radiation damage and repair.
For editing purposes, I have also included the cover letter in the PDF. The revised cover letter is also attached below. Note the potassium-iodide pills have been dropped. Comments solicited.
Thanks to the choir, this version is a big improvement over the first try, I particularly want to thank Ken Chaplin, Joe Lassiter, Steve Verhey, and Marcia Young for their careful reading and contributions.
At the same time, I reject the counsel of despair that says people are too stupid to handle the truth. That's certainly not my experience. The problem is a regulatory system that results in a humanity crippling misallocation of resources. That's what must be changed. So now the focus changes to an installation manual on Underwriter Certification aimed at law makers and their staff. Stay tuned.
Dear Neighbor,
This is your [Ourtown] plant radiation release package. It should contain
1) a dosimeter,
2) a [20] pack of N95 masks,
3) a pamphlet with instructions for what to do if we do have a release, and an explanation of the release compensation program.
4) a pamphlet explaining radiation for those who want to learn more about radiation damage and our bodies' ability to repair that damage.
If anything is missing or you have questions or you have children younger than ten in the house, please contact [1-nnn-nnn-nnnn]. We will be happy to send you child size masks. You can also arrange a tour of the plant at that number for your family.
Your neighbors that work at [Ourtown] plant are working hard to make a release very unlikely. But that does not mean it cannot happen. Based on past performance of the industry as a whole --- which we are determined to better --- there will be 1 release every 4000 reactor-years. Using this pessimistic number, there is a 1 in 100 chance, [Ourtown] will experience a release in the next 40 years. So while the likelihood of a release is small, we need to be prepared.
If we are prepared, we can handle a release. A release need not be harmful. Radiation is part of our natural environment. Our bodies know how to handle it. It takes a very large amount of radiation over a short period to cause a medical problem. No member of the public was detectably harmed by radiation in the releases at Three Mile Island and Fukushima. The only detectable radiation harm to the public after Chernobyl was to kids who drank contaminated milk. We will prevent that.
In all the releases to date, essentially all the harm to the public was caused by ill advised evacuations, and the unwarranted fear that drove those evacuations. If we properly prepare ourselves, we can avoid turning an easily manageable disturbance into a community shattering disruption.
Please read the pamphlets. If you have any questions, you can call the above number, or go to our web site, [www.ourtown.net], and send us a message.
Your neighbors at [Ourtown] power plant
My take on the letter to neighbors is that is starts rather abruptly. Words like danger pop up quickly without preamble. Maybe a re-worked part of the "Your Neighbors at" paragraph should lead.
I Urge you to shop this letter with regular un-initiated folks in order to hit just the right note.
Somewhat related to a media release package would be something that says "your governmental body should be expected to do these things" so people can judge if they are getting the kinds of wise and proper support they should receive.
Things as you mentioned, for measuring and controlling access to low contaminated water and food; suitable supplies of masks, iodine, and medical care; plus programs for "washdown" efforts [perhaps with reduced water bills for a three week period to allow homeowners to wash down their homes? or an insurance adder to cover increased water bill costs?]
Possibly delays in paying tax bills if the event timing is impacting the tax paying season?
I guess payout generosity is supposed to counter balance the event impact to some degree. Reading this posting I do get the feeling things can be managed and panic avoided. Thus even a war caused, natural, or human caused disaster can be addressed in a wise and adult way, as long as people understand what has happened, what might happen to them in the future, and that responsible help is available.
But that fire situation on Maui suggests we cannot guarantee that will happen in all cases, even with preplanning, etc. Humans will still be wise and stupid, as is their nature :-) ]