Ramaswamy is a wingnut who will only hurt efforts to overcome decades of anti-nuclear belief. If I were a mastermind in the anti-nuclear industry, or a Russian propagandist, I could think of no better strategy than to make nuclear power a partisan issue in the USA, and support the most extreme candidate I could find.

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You are making nuclear power a partisan political issue, and introducing partisan politics to this web site, which is determinedly not political. This comment will be deleted shortly.

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My hope is that we can AVOID the partisan politics. I would like to just ignore highly partisan actors, but this is a situation where one has stepped into the arena and I believe will set back your efforts to get rational thinking into the public arena. We need to have this discussion. Maybe we can do it without mentioning any specific names. If not here, then I will move it to a neutral forum.

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If Bernie Sanders came out in favor of getting rid of the NRC but with a flawed replacement, you can be sure the GKN would comment on it. We don't avoid controversial people, but we do focus only on issues germane to solving the Gordian Knot. Anybody who wants to move beyond that every time we mention a controversial actor probably should take his comments elsewhere.

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Done. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2081763568746983/permalink/3553058668284125

You are right to discuss the plan, and I agree, Sanders as an advocate would be almost as bad. I would have picked a different headliine.

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Why are you so sensitive?

Snowflaking on us?

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Jack, stop being so sensitive.

It's adolescent.

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Jack, keep repeating this! This message is the one that needs to be said over and over. At this point in time we need a drumbeat not a symphony.

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You may be right, but repeating yourself over and over is really boring.

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Yes, I agree. About 30 years ago I was a pastor. I preached for years without repeating a sermon, and could not think of repeating one. When I was sent by our denomination to a country to provide leadership for about 200 churches, I found that I needed to repeat the same 5 sermons over and over. (Not identical but the same concept). Each time there were new people who had not heard me, and others who had only heard this once or twice. Maybe they heard 1 of the 5 but not the others. This was painful for me and my wife could have preached them from memory. On the other hand, we added nearly 150 new churches in 8 years.

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The CSB could cover nuclear (the NTSB like entity).

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Hello Jack:

In your comprehensive list of suggested regulatory changes you have missed the elephant in the room. CANDU reactors are 2X as fuel efficient and 4X as TRU efficient as LWRs but still are not permitted in the USA.

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The GKG regulatory system would be technology agnostic. We need as much competition as possible.

I think (not absolutely sure) the issue with Candu is that the US tritium limits are set by what's pretty easily achievable with a LWR . IOW by ALARA. These limits are many orders of magnitude below levels where we can detect harm in animals fed ridiculously high concentrations of tritated water. https://jackdevanney.substack.com/p/trivial-tritium Conveniently for non-Candu vendors, these same preposterously low limits are expensive for a Candu to comply with. Another example of the pernicious effects of ALARA. In the proposed system, ALARA would disappear and with it the nonsensical tritium limits.

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Nuclear power has been made into a partisan issue by the descendants of the tea folk.

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We cannot afford nuclear power.

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