If other aspects of life were regulated according to ALARA safety standards, we'd never be allowed to leave the house. Staying home is the only sure way to avoid tripping hazards on the sidewalk.

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It is the precautionary principle gone mad (as it usually does).

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The key word in ALARA is reasonable.. So what is reasonable? To me it is a scheme that passes a cost-benefit test. Coming up with a reasonable definition of reasonable is our problem here.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoAuthor


Under ALARA, the regulator decides what is "reasonable". And if you are only being judged on whether or not a release occurs, anything that might reduce that probability is "reasonable". What's reasonable is to abolish ALARA and replace it with firm requirements set by people who are both accountable, and have a broader responsibility than just preventing NPP releases.

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