Ana chance for a similar analyses for Denmark.

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Not unless we can find a sugar daddy with a large computer. The GKG Grid Model is a compute intensive Linear Program. It maxed out my top of the line laptop on Germany, even tho we assumed no imports/exports which really isnt accurate for Germany and certainly won't work for Denmark.

We alos need access to a good interior point solver. Most of the runs we have done used the Mosek solver. Funny thing Mosek is a Danish company started by a guy named Andersen. I had a trial license but when that ran out I could not justify paying for a commerical license. So right now the model is shutdown.

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Great stuff Jack and after you've done Denmark can we please get a rush job on Australia! We are currently suffering under the most puerile political debate about keeping the lights on and the fear of nukes.

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How much does this analysis chance if one uses more recent prices? Prices for Li-Ion Batteries have more than halved in the last decade an may keep falling for other types of batteries. Solar power also got cheaper. Could you estimate what factor of cost improvement would be necessary on the renewable side that would make it outcompete nuclear?

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These runs were done in 2023 using our best guess at 2020 costs. In coming up with these "base case" costs, we tried to err in favor of wind/solar/h2. Here's the overnight CAPEX figures we used in 2020 $/kW.

PV | 1040

On wind | 1436

Off wind| 4070

CCGT | 1000

OCGT | 700

Coal | 1500

Li chg/dsch|71

H2 chrg | 1250

H2 dsch | 1084

and unit storage CAPEX in $/kWh

Li batt | 264

H2 dome | 3

Thanks to Covid, the Ukraine War, and the IRA all these numbers look cheap to very cheap relative to 2024 costs.

Since 2021 wind/solar costs have not improved in real terms. Because of their low energy density, wind and solar are resource hogs. They get clobbered by commodity cost increases. Right now commodity costs are totally discombobolated. But it's hard to see the real cost of basic commodities like copper coming down much in the long run. But we'd be happy to make some sensitivity runs if somebody was willing to pay for them.

What does improve the case for wind/solar is better weather. Germany is a really silly place to make the case for wind/solar. We did do some preliminary runs for Spain. The wind/solar numbers were significantly better, but we ran out of license time before we had a reasonably complete analysis. And all the optimal solutions involved some fossil, even for very high SCC's. I say again for very low marginal capacity factors: wind/solar (and nuclear) are high CO2 sources and OCGT is a low CO2 source.

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That is the good question- one thing to have in mind that the era of "cheap solar" and "cheap batteries" can end in an instant if certain politicians start trade war including these. Or if for example China fires single undeniable projectile toward Taiwan or some ship in that territory. That is risk associated with solar/wind Utopian transition rarely talked about.

Sure the western countries will pick manufacturing with time, but I'm not sure if it is possible to even approach current (dumping?) pricing and how long it will take to ramp it up. This puts risk of NPP construction project delays/overburdening into a bit different perspective (I hope we have seen the worst case scenarios already, there are also good cases to show though).

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There are no "good cases" inthe West since th 1970's nor will there be unless we drastically change the way we regulate nuclear power. The first step is to recognize that an occasional release is tolerable in exchange for the benefits of cheap nuclear.

I suggest going to the site directory inthe Navigation bar and checking out the A-List.

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Sad but quite true. If even Olkiluoto 3 starts to look like "reasonable" case comparing to EPRs in GB then it is really upsetting. I care about air quality and power prices in Poland (being a Pole living in Finland), and I regret that Poland ) didn't go to GE-Hitachi for BWRs- although with ALARA/LNT/ attitude changes no vendor may do well in the west. There is very strong support for NPP in public at the moment, but price tag is not optimistic-

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