Instead what will probably happen is that anyone who served on a nuclear vessel will be given some kind of payout because of the “horribly lax standards” that were allowed to exist. They were victims of the military industrial complex you see...

Then they will tighten the civilian standards even more to make themselves feel better.

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>The Gordian Knot News has argued eloquently and persuasively for a return to the pre-1950 tolerance dose of 1 mSv per day. Amazingly this has had no impact on the NRC and EPA

I literally LOLed at this.

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It's been an interesting experience listening to early Titans of Nuclear episodes with Brett Kugelmass. A Nuscale employee rather casually mentioned the licensing cost running at $2 million a month

Kugelmass' subsequent nuclear company Last Energy has signed power purchase agreements in Europe and is "pursuing international licensing" for their 20 MW units

I'll add them with Thorcon to my list of companies I would love to see succeed and as a bonus put the NRC in a very uncomfortable light

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