I remember being astonished when I first learned that the operators did not know that the core had been uncovered. I joked that I would have installed three sensors, independent of all the control room complexity that had them so confused - temperature, pressure, and total mass. The response: kid, you just don't understand.

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Apparently the folks at Fukushima learned nothing from this incident. Why couldn't they just capture the hydrogen in a balloon, and send it to the stratosphere?

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I can't seem to find the NRC's evacuation plan (only for NRC folks) in your write-up. That put the NRC leadership over in Carlisle and the grunts in Redding, and if need be King of Prussia. (available in their ADAMS system)

Likewise for the Udall Committee. They were trying to ensure that the lack of reporting by Met Ed on 1) Thermocouple Readings, 2) the Pressure Spike & 3) the Dome Monitor was looked at by the court system. Judge Sylvia Rambo had a grand jury empaneled and ready to go. At least 12 subpoenas were issued to Met Ed operating staff.

The plant should have been put on Decay Heat on Sunday, April 1st by 6:30 am (and head for cold shutdown and get rid of the Reactor Protection System interlocks at hot standby). (Why the time? Because that's when the Hydrogen Bubble in the vessel was no longer measurable.)

The Hydrogen Recombiner (there was only one) was not installed, The hookup was delayed not only by physical piping hookups but also excessive shielding requirements. Still it was available by Tuesday. The lead ingots sent by the Navy for shielding was totally useless and sat untouched on a truck trailer on the plant site.

So true what is said about the Matson bubble trouble.

There more, but not now

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Thanks valuable info. Will correct the recombiner stuff and the bubble timing.

I sense you have something you want to say. If you would like to write a guest piece for GKN, pls contact me at djw1 at thorconpower dot com.

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